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Standards & Initiatives

Join us in building and adopting industry wide standards for healthcare supply chain resiliency. Posted standards represent the voices of providers, suppliers, and industry partners. Initiatives are your opportunity to lean in and help shape the future of resiliency.

Established Standards

BCM Assessment

Framework for providers to assess suppliers’ formal preparedness

Available as lightweight self-assessment

Promote awareness of, and investment in resiliency maturity

Mapping & Monitoring

Framework to balance geographic transparency and confidentiality

Secure option for one-to-many event impact communication

Promote proactive awareness and collaborative response

Resiliency Scorecard

Framework for providers to assess the resiliency of suppliers

Populated in advance to promote joint review

Promote and enhance partnership & resiliency in trading relationships.

Resiliency Badge

The Badging Program’s aim is to create a robust scoring rubric to evaluate and enhance supply chain resiliency within the healthcare industry.

Transparency Badge

If you are engaged on all three standards and choose to share with the HIRC community, then you qualify for the HIRC Transparency Badge.

Initiatives In Progress

Shaped by HIRC Members, these initiatives represent our current focus areas.
Interesting in participating? Learn about membership.

Standards Adoption

Increase adoption of Badges and existing standards

HIRC Vault

Share resiliency information simply and security on Microsoft Teams

Gartner Top 25

Increase your standing in the Gartner Top 25 via collaboration with HIRC.

Resiliency T&C

Create one common contracting clause for resiliency in healthcare

QuickStart for Mapping

Log in to enjoy SRS’ complementary mapping & monitoring

Clarium Health

Explore services provided by our B2B technology partner

Join Our Community

Be a part of the conversation and help set standards. Join our community of providers and suppliers working toward a more resilient supply chain.