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Scorecard 2.0

HIRC Board has requested an enhancement to the existing Scorecard 1.0

Key Objectives:

  • Explore additional measures to add to v1.0
  • Gain broad industry adoption of v2.0
  • Explore supplier-to-provider scorecard template


  • Transparency Badge Y/N
  • Perfect order
  • Partnership: degree of ownership of gaps and resolutions
  • Problem resolution: degree of collaboration and subject matter expertise
  • Performance: recovery timeframe for supply disruptions
  • Resiliency: capability to accommodate demand spikes
  • Communication: proactive notification of process changes


What is the ask of members?
  • Adopt the existing Scorecard 1.0
  • Engage in the design of Scorecard 2.0
  • Engage in ideation of supplier-to-provider scorecarding
  • Advocate for industry alignment to the HIRC standards
Why are we pursuing a version 2.0?

To increase the value and adoption of the HIRC scorecard standard.  Some members are hybridizing scorecard 1.0 with other best practice measures.  We wish to capture these best practices in scorecard 2.0.

What does "explore supplier-to-provider scorecard template" mean?

Supplier members have inquired if scorecarding can or should provide bi-directional opportunities.  HIRC leadership believes yes.  As such, key talking points will be explored to support supplier-to-provider engagement.

What is the timeline for version 2.0?

Q3 2023 – design
Q4 2023 – pilot and adopt