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Gartner Top 25 Resiliency

Per announcement, Gartner is adding a quantitative risk management component to the Healthcare Supply Chain Top 25 for 2024 at a 5% weighting. This component of the ranking credits health systems for taking a leading role in their approach to risk management through increasing engagement with HIRC. To achieve full points, providers must satisfy (3) subcategories and submit by August 16, 2024.



Three Simple Steps

1. Submit Form

Note: Include your supply chain Business Continuity Plan (BCP) with the Submission Form, or submit your BCP via email to HIRC ([email protected]).  Redacted copies are ok.  All submissions are treated as confidential.

2. Receive Confirmation

HIRC will confirm receipt and completeness to the submitter

3. Points Tabulated

HIRC tabulates the points earned for each participating Provider.  HIRC submits a consolidated report to including organization and points earned.

Provider FAQ

What do I need to do to achieve full points?

To achieve maximum points:

  1. Active member of HIRC – by attending 50% or more of monthly meetings
  2. Complete the Submission Form
  3. Include a copy of your supply chain BCP (business continuity plan).
How are the points broken down?

Resiliency is 5% of the Gartner Top 25 score.

This segment is further broken down as follows:

  1. Active member of HIRC – 30%
  2. Submit requested resiliency data to HIRC – 30%
  3. Implement the HIRC standards – 40%

Note: segments 2 and 3 are part of the Submission Form

How much is each section worth?

See Submission Form

  • Section 01 – 1.5 points
  • Section 02 – 1.5 points
  • Section 03 – 2 points

Total possible = 5.0 points

What is required for the BCP upload?

Demonstrate that you have a supply chain specific Business Continuity Plan (BCP).  The quality of the BCP will not be evaluated in 2024, but may be in future years.  The BCP may be enterprise or departmental — as long as it covers supply chain activities (e.g. supply disruption, supply shortage crisis response, warehouse disaster, ERP outage).

Why is resiliency part of the Gartner Top 25?

An end-to-end strategy that ensures continuous alignment of risk activities (which includes building resilience) is essential for management of disruptions to supply chain operations.  Resiliency is essential to engaged, accountable, and leading Providers.

Why was HIRC selected to administer the resiliency segment?

HIRC is the pre-eminent non-profit consortium for patient-centric healthcare supply chain resiliency standards and best practices.

How do I become a member of HIRC?
Who do I contact with questions?

Contact HIRC