East Port Strike Impact East Port Strike Impact The members of HIRC seek to understand the potential scope of impact of the anticipated East Port Strike. Responses are aggregated and blinded. About You * Provider Supplier Other Your Opinion How long do you feel the strike may last? * 1-2 days 1-2 weeks >1 month Unsure How much medical finished goods capacity do you feel is already in the US? * 30+ days 60+ days 90+ days >120 days Unsure What is your sense on the likely impact to healthcare? * 1. High impact 2. Some impact 3. No impact Unsure Your Response Have you been able to identify impacted SKUs? * 1. Yes 2. Partially 3. No Have you activated your business continuity response team? * 1. Yes 2. Not yet 3. We don't have one Consent I accept the privacy policy Captcha Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.